Privacy policy


Welcome to OLOEY! We are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and disclose personal information through our website CNGALAXYGANG.COM (“the Site”), and other interactions with you.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices. Such updates will be posted on the Site, with the revision date updated.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

We collect information from you to provide and improve our services, including:

Directly Provided Information: This includes your contact details, order and account information, shopping preferences, and customer support interactions.

Information Collected Through Cookies: We collect usage data to enhance your experience, using cookies and similar technologies.

Third-Party Information: Information may also be obtained from our service providers like WORDPRESS and payment processors.

Use of Your Personal Information

Your data is used for:

Providing and managing our services.

Marketing and promotional activities.

Security measures and fraud prevention.

Customer communication and support.


Cookies are used to improve our Site and services, and for analytics. You can manage cookie preferences through your browser settings.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We may share your information with:

Vendors and third parties for service facilitation.

Business and marketing partners, including WORDPRESS.

Legal and business transactions.

User Generated Content

Content you post on public areas of the Site is accessible to others. We are not responsible for the privacy or security of this information.

Third Party Websites and Links

Our Site may contain links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for their privacy practices.

Children’s Data

We do not knowingly collect information from children. Contact us to remove a child’s data.

Security and Retention of Information

We take reasonable measures to protect your data but cannot guarantee absolute security. The retention period depends on various factors.

Your Rights and Choices

Depending on your location, you may have certain rights regarding your personal information, including access, correction, and deletion rights.

International Users

Your information may be processed outside your country, including in the United States.


For questions or concerns, contact us at SHIGONGJIANG@OUTLOOK.COM

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